All for a good cause - Come and support the Gordon Highlanders Museum and have something you cherish valued at the same time. Don’t miss out on having a tour of the Museum - it is well worth a visit. They have a lovely coffee shop aswell. #gordonhighlandersmuseum
What a beautiful day for a walk in Aberdeen today, down to the river Dee and the daffodils almost in full bloom, a walk round the #wintergardens at #DuthiePark (had to have a coffee) before heading back home along the #olddeesideline
A lovely photo of Craigievar Castle - one of our favourite castles in Aberdeenshire and only one of many to visit in the area. Whether it is sunshine or snow, get out there and enjoy.
Lovely photo of Marischall College - we were lucky enough to be married in the church in the corner many years ago!!! It is just such a shame it didn’t get cleaned at the same time as Marischall College.
Had a lovely walk along #Aberdeen beach to the Donmouth Nature Reserve and around #Old Aberdeen past #StMachar’s Cathedral, #Kings College and the cobble streets - we had earned a coffee break by then before heading back to the Guest House
What a beautiful day it was to take the 10minute walk from the guest house to Johnston Gardens in Aberdeen. The colours are just stunning just now. Local children have made some lovely pictures around the park to remind us all not to feed bread to the ducks.